This shall allow you to get an idea of my current to prior hardships due to the lack of flexible adult acceptance for me as British English Adult male in my own country by various youth generations who have formed prejudice exchanges with bespoke interfaith team geared to oppress traditional home grown ethnic heritages using social housing, taxes, migrations and benefits as gang warfare. Inventive stances against national formal city populations indigenous to Great Britain acted out from alternative street multicultural social media is a nuisance across shires, towns and counties regardless regardless of age, gender, sexuality, race, mixed race or baptism thus any unethical, illogical and experimental behaviours will be prosecuted and brought to justice regardless of what nature or environment it exists in as poses a threat to our society and social cohesion of metropolitan Londoners.

Any measures to hide your behavioural science using a wide variety of UK resources between libraries, charities and book shops to practice unlawful enforcement using your own over faith terminological investigatory forms of freedom as an counter criticism to practice initiatives over naturalised forms security town trust using private security and technology is not a benefit to our society and intrusion plus disruptive to formal affairs of the nation. this will be examined in all shapes and forms. The illicit indigenous groups that go against the moral formal classes utilising our own natural assets and resources between neighbouring areas offshore via remote means is not a civic nor civil security relationship. Acts of prejudice to British Anglo American male partnerships stems from,hospitality group's not natural nor constitutional or transparent.

I try to maintain a democratic International capital atheist stance, from a combined Anglo American Humanist base alongside positive impartial mindset is neutral however fascist participation against dominant forms of atheism is an act of racist prejudice segregation.